Melissa Duclos

Melissa is the author of the novel Besotted (7.13 Books, March 2019) and the founder of Magnify: Small Presses, Bigger, a monthly newsletter the celebrates small press books. Her essays have appeared in The Washington Post, Salon, The Offing, and Bustle among other venues.
She holds an MFA from Columbia University and worked for 10 years as a freelance editor and writing coach, guiding clients through the agent and independent press submission process.
Kimberly King Parsons

Kim is the author of Black Light, a short story collection forthcoming from Vintage in August 2019, and The Boiling River, a novel forthcoming from Knopf. Her writing has appeared in Kenyon Review, Bookforum, No Tokens, Ninth Letter, The Millions, and elsewhere.
She has 10+ years of editorial experience and is the former Editor-in-Chief of Columbia: A Journal of Literature and Art.