Launched in August 2018, Magnify is a monthly newsletter that celebrates small press books and the various communities that support them. Each month the “Inside Look” column explores some aspect of indie publishing. Past columns have included interviews with publishers, authors, and indie press publicists; profiles of people and organizations that support independent authors; and personal reflections on my own experience launching my debut novel with indie publisher 7.13 Books.
Author: Melissa Duclos
When I started Magnify, my goal was to bring attention to the literary fiction and creative non-fiction coming out from small presses. I saw the newsletter as a small way that I could give back to a community that does so much to enrich the literary landscape by publishing new writers.
Melissa Duclos on “Writers on Writing”

Debut novelist Melissa Duclos joins Marrie Stone to talk about her novel, Besotted. Melissa shares her nearly 15-year journey with her novel, her decision to break up with it, and her discovery of small, independent presses. She also talks about the novel’s unique point of view, first person omniscient.
June 2: Why There Are Words, NYC
6:00-7:30 pm (doors open at 5:30)
Bowery Poetry Club, 308 Bowery, NY
Laura Catherine Brown, Rebecca Donner, Melissa Duclos, Angela Mitchell, Katie Rogin & Jenn Stroud Rossman.
May 31: Jabberwocky Bookshop
May 9: Why There Are Words, Sausalito
Why There Are Words, 333 Caledonia Street, Sausalito, CA
March 30: Small Presses Get BIG
Another Read Through Book Store, 3932 N Mississippi Ave, Portland, OR, 7:00PM
Chelsea Biondolillo, Leland Cheuk, Leah Dieterich, Sandra de Helen & Melissa Duclos
March 27: AWP Kick-Off at the Stacks
The Stacks Coffeehouse, 1831 N Killingsworth St, Portland, OR, 7:30PM
Chelsea Bieker, Diana Marie Delgado, Mark Doten, Melissa Duclos & Kimberly King Parsons
March 13: Besotted Launch at Powell’s
Melissa Duclos in conversation with Kimberly King Parsons
Powell’s City of Books, 1005 W. Burnside, Portland, OR, 7:30PM
On the Eve of My Book Launch: Gratitude